Search Results
Clark Kent Gets Blackmailed -- (Smallville - S1; E9)
Clark Kent Gets Blackmailed Smallville S1; E9
Lex Has Got Clark's Back -- (Smallville - S1; E9)
Clark Kent Almost Loses Control Over Himself -- (Smallville - S1; E9)
Smallville | Clark Sasses a Blackmailing Cop | ClipZone: Heroes & Villains
Blackmail Backfire | Smallville (2001)
Smallville 1x13 - Lex tells Clark he's being blackmailed
ROGUE (S1E09) Dodging Bullets, Hot n’ Steamy Tell-All, No Freak of the Week, and Teenage Angst
Smallville - S1E9 (Recap)
Smallville Clark vs. Coach Arnold
Smallville 1x13 - Lana & Aunt Neil / The gang blackmail Lex with the disc
Alpha Clark Makes His Move on Lana -- (Smallville - S2; E4)